PR 3.0? Clubhouse and Creator Coins? Today Gary Henderson and Lisa Buyer are discussing Coin Base Ventures, Gary Club, Gary Coins, the Future of Public Relations, NFTS, Blockchains, Discord, and More!  

In this episode, Gary Henderson talks about

Just released! The Clubhouse Creator Book: Growing an audience, building a relationship, and monetizing that audience. 
How he discovered Clubhouse less than a year ago and its impact
Discord Do’s and Don’ts
Gary’s Marketing Conference and his Creative Moments in South Beach 
Social Networks and Communities
NFTs: the mainstream world loves the Metaverse and Centralization
$Gary Coins
Funding Business through Crypto Coins
Giraffe Tower for Creators: NFT
TIKTOK Lives: creators making money via coins

Gary Henderson on Discord and Gamifying Business

“So Discord is nothing but a Facebook Group that has a couple of extra bells and whistles, but it's kind of the same. It's a social network.

It streamlines a community build, and it gives you some velvet ropes that you can hold things behind. So like in my community, for example, I have coffee every single morning, but you have to have one of my Gary coins, a cryptocurrency in order to get it. So you, you can get in the community, you can hang out there, but you can't get coffee without having a Garry coin.”

The Key to Creator Coins like $Gary Coins

Have a steady stream of new people interested in you
Find people who want to hold that token
Make a reason for someone to give the token back to you

Tips from Gary’s “The Clubhouse Community” 

Build a 1:many relationship with your audience.
Create your own rooms in Clubhouse: this eliminates the intimidation, you can create your own vibe and voice.
Spend 90% of your clubhouse time with the microphone. Social Audio is key. 

As mentioned in this interview

PR 3.0? Clubhouse and Creator Coins? Today Gary Henderson and Lisa Buyer are discussing Coin Base Ventures, Gary Club, Gary Coins, the Future of Public Relations, NFTS, Blockchains, Discord, and More!  

In this episode, Gary Henderson talks about

Just released! The Clubhouse Creator Book: Growing an audience, building a relationship, and monetizing that audience. 
How he discovered Clubhouse less than a year ago and its impact
Discord Do’s and Don’ts
Gary’s Marketing Conference and his Creative Moments in South Beach 
Social Networks and Communities
NFTs: the mainstream world loves the Metaverse and Centralization
$Gary Coins
Funding Business through Crypto Coins
Giraffe Tower for Creators: NFT
TIKTOK Lives: creators making money via coins

Gary Henderson on Discord and Gamifying Business

“So Discord is nothing but a Facebook Group that has a couple of extra bells and whistles, but it's kind of the same. It's a social network.

It streamlines a community build, and it gives you some velvet ropes that you can hold things behind. So like in my community, for example, I have coffee every single morning, but you have to have one of my Gary coins, a cryptocurrency in order to get it. So you, you can get in the community, you can hang out there, but you can't get coffee without having a Garry coin.”

The Key to Creator Coins like $Gary Coins

Have a steady stream of new people interested in you
Find people who want to hold that token
Make a reason for someone to give the token back to you

Tips from Gary’s “The Clubhouse Community” 

Build a 1:many relationship with your audience.
Create your own rooms in Clubhouse: this eliminates the intimidation, you can create your own vibe and voice.
Spend 90% of your clubhouse time with the microphone. Social Audio is key. 

As mentioned in this interview

Gary’s Discord Community

Gary’s Book The Clubhouse Community

Follow Gary on LinkedIn