In this episode of the Social PR Secrets Podcast, Lisa Buyer sits down with futurist, speaker and author Cathy Hackl to get her advice on live streaming. Cathy has been live streaming since its inception: If anyone was an expert on the topic in 2016, it was her. 

In this episode from the vault, Cathy and Lisa talk about why it's crucial for social media managers to experiment with video, the evolution of live streaming and the first Periscope community summit. Then, Cathy reveals her tricks of the trade. What kind of equipment should streamers invest in? Should you stream in landscape on vertical? How long should streams last? Listen to the episode to hear Cathy’s advice!

“If you are doing live streaming and you’re not engaging, you’re not being successful. You have to engage your audience. It doesn’t mean you have to engage them every second, but you have to engage them, because that is the key to being successful in live streaming” - Cathy Hackl

Some topics discussed in this episode include:

The first Periscope community summit
The evolution of live streaming
How Cathy got into live streaming at its start
Facebook Live
YouTube Live
360 video
Virtual reality
Advice for future social media managers
Cathy’s live streaming tips
The importance of engagement

Contact Cathy Hackl:
Cathy’s LinkedIn
Cathy’s Twitter
Cathy’s Facebook
Cathy’s Instagram
Cathy’s YouTube

More from Cathy:

Book - “Marketing New Realities: An Introduction to Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality Marketing, Branding, & Communications

References and links mentioned:

Facebook Live
Youtube Live

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