Why is it important to be choosy about brand affiliations as a blogger? The woman behind popular family lifestyle blog Thrill of the Chases, Alice Chase puts it simply, “You can't ever buy back your character.”

In this 2017 episode of the Social PR Secrets Podcast, Chase sits down with Lisa Buyer and VR/AR expert Cathy Hackl to discuss how she went from working in the corporate sphere to working as a full-time blogger. In addition to her long hours spent blogging, the mother of three also works as a consultant for a variety of brands, advising on the navigation of livestream and influencer engagement.

Chase provides insight into how to create a successful online presence and dealing with the pressures of comparison in a densely populated field by replacing the Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) with the Joy Of Missing Out. Additionally, Chase stresses that successful blogs do not appear overnight. Mentorship, mutual support and continued education provide crucial steps toward success as a blogger.

“Influence is when you are able to tell a story , whatever that is, whether it's about a product, whether it's about your life, and it resonates with people” -Cathy Hackl

Some topics discussed in this episode include:

Family lifestyle blogging
Live streaming
Networking and mentorship
Choosing the right brand affiliations
Focusing your brand
The longevity of the written word
Follower count

Contact Alice Chase:

Chase’s Facebook

References and links mentioned:


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