On this week's show, we talk to Jennifer Watson from Agorapulse and Social Pulse Weekly chatting with Alan about How to create a Live Show on Social Media. The Social Media Talks Podcast is created to help business owners who want to learn more about Social Media Marketing, presented by Alan Hennessy

Jennifer Watson  Biography.

Jennifer is the Social Media Manager for Agorapulse, a podcaster and speaker. She has a diverse background from working on camera to executing digital strategies.

Jennifer is a dynamic talent with a passion for every aspect of digital media from building brand strategies, creating content plans, to getting executive buy-in.

She motivates audiences from the stage and drives engagement, including launching numerous Facebook Live campaigns for The Weather Channel, garnering millions of views.

She has been featured in Chief Content Marketer Magazine, and on stage at Social Fresh, Social Media Marketing World, Social Shake-Up to name a few.