Just because you’ve got a Facebook Page and  Twitter Account doesn’t mean anyone is interested in what you have to say. Or your content is interesting but you feel you aren’t positioning it correctly. Or everything feels a bit “corporate”speak in a “social” space. So I’ve put together four types of social objects or status updates for you to consider.  Which one do you use most? http://laurelpapworth.com/four-types-of-status-updates-for-improving-social-media-engagement-on-facebook-and-twitter/ on iTunes, Vimeo and YouTube. 

Just because you’ve got a Facebook Page and  Twitter Account doesn’t mean anyone is interested in what you have to say. Or your content is interesting but you feel you aren’t positioning it correctly. Or everything feels a bit “corporate”speak in a “social” space. So I’ve put together four types of social objects or status updates for you to consider.  Which one do you use most? http://laurelpapworth.com/four-types-of-status-updates-for-improving-social-media-engagement-on-facebook-and-twitter/ on iTunes, Vimeo and YouTube.