In this episode of the Social Lights Podcast, podcast host and Social Mediology founder Kate vanderVoort chats with Ian Moyse, Chief Revenue Officer at OneUp Sales, and a long-time sales leader. He was awarded the accolade of UK Sales Director of the year by BESMA (British Excellence in Sales Management Awards) and in 2019 and 2020 was listed in the top 50 Sales Keynote speakers by Top Sales World. Ian has built many large communities on social media and is a social influencer for SAP, Oracle, Huawei, Commvault and more.

About Ian

With a passion for computing since the age of 14, Ian found himself falling into sales at the age of 20 where he embraced sales as a skilled profession and continued to learn. He developed a reputation for being competitive by nature and enjoyed exceeding customer expectations.

Ian quickly moved from a sales role to a management role at age 23, where he honed his skills and built committed teams for over 10 years to become a sales leader. Ian is proud of the value he delivers, and of the individuals he has mentored over the years to achieve success. He is an energetic, conscientious, and ambitious sales leader in the Cloud industry. Having advised many firms on improving performance through the aggregation of marginal gains.

Now with over 30 years of successful sales leadership, Ian has built a solid reputation as a powerhouse influencer in the cloud and software sales/marketing industry. With a track record of rapidly scaling sales, creating and managing high performing sales teams, including identifying, evaluating, and establishing new markets.

Widely published and often interviewed, Ian is a highly sought-after keynote speaker and blogger for major cloud computing companies including Oracle, SAP, SAGE, HP, IBM, Huawei, Commvault, Equinix, CloudTech. Maximiser, Miller Heiman and more. Ian is often requested by 3rd party vendors and resellers to keynote speak on Cloud, GDPR, Transformational Change, Sales Leadership, Social Selling and Personal Branding as a keynote to their customer and staff events.

Ian’s deep knowledge of indirect channel sales having created strong tier 1, tier 2, OEM and Alliances revenue generating eco-systems. Ian has experience of wide range of sales disciplines - building direct, indirect and inside sales teams across UK, EMEA and USA.


“The brand of the organisation rides off the opportunity that comes with your personal brand.” (5:34)

Ian discusses how leveraging his own personal brand and reach Increases both the intrinsic value for the individual, and helps grow the business through representation. Techniques such as social selling and appearing on forums such as blogs, podcasts, panels, and events become mutually beneficial. Through doing so, the brand of the organisation benefits from the opportunities that arise from building his own personal brand, and rides off the credibility he has earned through things he has done prior to joining the organisation. Your personal brand is yours, it goes with you from organisation to organisation.


“It’s gotta be something you're passionate about, interested about and bring value to” (14:40)

Ian provides insights on starting a group. You have to be knowledgeable and passionate about the subject. People will follow someone who is an expert in the field that is relevant to the subject. You don’t start a group where there is no context as being a thought leader in that space, but you can become a thought leader by creating a group on a subject that you are passionate about, and creating the content that goes with it. People will join for the content, and the community will grow...

In this episode of the Social Lights Podcast, podcast host and Social Mediology founder Kate vanderVoort chats with Ian Moyse, Chief Revenue Officer at OneUp Sales, and a long-time sales leader. He was awarded the accolade of UK Sales Director of the year by BESMA (British Excellence in Sales Management Awards) and in 2019 and 2020 was listed in the top 50 Sales Keynote speakers by Top Sales World. Ian has built many large communities on social media and is a social influencer for SAP, Oracle, Huawei, Commvault and more.

About Ian

With a passion for computing since the age of 14, Ian found himself falling into sales at the age of 20 where he embraced sales as a skilled profession and continued to learn. He developed a reputation for being competitive by nature and enjoyed exceeding customer expectations.

Ian quickly moved from a sales role to a management role at age 23, where he honed his skills and built committed teams for over 10 years to become a sales leader. Ian is proud of the value he delivers, and of the individuals he has mentored over the years to achieve success. He is an energetic, conscientious, and ambitious sales leader in the Cloud industry. Having advised many firms on improving performance through the aggregation of marginal gains.

Now with over 30 years of successful sales leadership, Ian has built a solid reputation as a powerhouse influencer in the cloud and software sales/marketing industry. With a track record of rapidly scaling sales, creating and managing high performing sales teams, including identifying, evaluating, and establishing new markets.

Widely published and often interviewed, Ian is a highly sought-after keynote speaker and blogger for major cloud computing companies including Oracle, SAP, SAGE, HP, IBM, Huawei, Commvault, Equinix, CloudTech. Maximiser, Miller Heiman and more. Ian is often requested by 3rd party vendors and resellers to keynote speak on Cloud, GDPR, Transformational Change, Sales Leadership, Social Selling and Personal Branding as a keynote to their customer and staff events.

Ian’s deep knowledge of indirect channel sales having created strong tier 1, tier 2, OEM and Alliances revenue generating eco-systems. Ian has experience of wide range of sales disciplines - building direct, indirect and inside sales teams across UK, EMEA and USA.


“The brand of the organisation rides off the opportunity that comes with your personal brand.” (5:34)

Ian discusses how leveraging his own personal brand and reach Increases both the intrinsic value for the individual, and helps grow the business through representation. Techniques such as social selling and appearing on forums such as blogs, podcasts, panels, and events become mutually beneficial. Through doing so, the brand of the organisation benefits from the opportunities that arise from building his own personal brand, and rides off the credibility he has earned through things he has done prior to joining the organisation. Your personal brand is yours, it goes with you from organisation to organisation.


“It’s gotta be something you're passionate about, interested about and bring value to” (14:40)

Ian provides insights on starting a group. You have to be knowledgeable and passionate about the subject. People will follow someone who is an expert in the field that is relevant to the subject. You don’t start a group where there is no context as being a thought leader in that space, but you can become a thought leader by creating a group on a subject that you are passionate about, and creating the content that goes with it. People will join for the content, and the community will grow from the learning and insights from others that join the group.


“You’ve gotta be authentic, if you're posting about stuff that I genuinely comment on and speak about, I can not only like your content, I can add an authentic comment.” (26:28)

When considering how to generate a conversation with someone on social media that may become a potential customer down the line, Ian considers first how to engage with the customer on social media in an authentic way. It could be as simple as liking a comment or post. If the potential client is posting about something relevant then you are free to comment, or even disagree with the post as long as it is done in a meaningful way that adds value to the conversation. If you like their content and comment like you would in person, at some point the electronic engagement moves to a place where it’s natural to progress into a real-world conversation. By doing this you can find yourself in a relationship building conversation quite quickly.


“You’ve gotta assume with social selling that it takes time” (29:55)

Ian discusses the mistake people often make in being too eager to close the sale when using social media and in-person selling. The problem is that people tend to reach out, get the connection then go straight into the sales pitch. It doesn’t work this way. You get results by being natural and having a conversation. The opportunity to sell will present itself naturally. Social selling is not as quick as picking up the phone and having


“Firstly chose the social platform that’s where your audience is, don’t be on all of them for the sake of it” (34:12)

Don’t create profiles for the sake of it, take a look at where your tribe or audience is on social media and be on that platform. If you're a designer or artist then you will be best on a visual platform like Instagram. But if you sell bolts and widgets your customer is not going to care what they look like, Instagram is not going to be the right platform for you. Figure out what platform suits your audience, be on that platform and do it well. Make use of the features of that platform and don’t have a generic profile that just sits there not creating content.

Episode Links

You can find Ian Moyse at:



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Thanks for your time and stay inspired,

Kate vanderVoort