In this episode of the Social Lights Podcast, podcast host and Social Mediology founder Kate vanderVoort chats with Jacqui Bloom, the founder of the Helping Hub.

About Jacqui

The Helping Hub is an online gift platform and registry service that allows people to support friends and family in need with thoughtful gifts and practical support such as laundry services, cleaning services, meal, delivery, pet care, personal care services, and anything else that might be useful, purposeful or meaningful when people are going through a hard time (or just because!).

Jacqui studied business management and marketing with sales and started out running the family business for 15 years in the fashion industry. She then transitioned into palliative care, in collaboration with Cure Cancer Australia. Her varied life experiences have led her to launching The Helping Hub.


“Wouldn't it have been amazing if there was one place that everyone could go in times of need that has a list of everything you need” (07:31) 

In 2005 Jacqui’s family endured the tragic loss of her young brother-in-law Rob, at the age of 37. Leaving her sister to manage the care and support of their four grieving children, while also dealing with her own personal stress of losing her husband. Less than 12 months after Rob’s passing, the unthinkable struck again and her mother, Evelyn was diagnosed with Cancer.

With a passion for helping others and through her own personal experiences of grief, loss, motherhood, illness, injury, and divorce Jacqui recognised that help is often the most difficult to ask for, but also the most appreciated. She thought it would have been amazing if there was one place that everyone could go that would have a list of useful, purposeful or meaningful things  that you need to help you, when things go wrong. When Jacqui lived through her own grief and loss, she experienced first-hand the way capable people still need extra support to get them through the ongoing challenge of dealing with the everyday. She was inspired to find an easier way to help people help themselves and others in need – as well as making ways to celebrate life’s happiest occasions more meaningful and memorable. In late 2020 she launched The Helping Hub.


“Making a difference in someone's life” (13:32)

Jacqui explains how her website works. You can hop on the Helping Hub and you can gift someone or yourself some extra time, things like house cleaning, meal delivery, babysitting, someone doing your washing, anything you need. You are gifting a product or service that will make a difference in someone's life. The recipient receives the help they need, something that they may be too afraid to ask for. It also gives the giftee the gratification of knowing that you have gifted them something that is useful and purposeful.


“Some people react by hearing other people's stories and they take inspiration and courage from that.” (22:14)

Jacqui is growing her community, that isn’t just from the buyers but also the sellers, creating a community where the business values align. It is that sense of helping someone, that's what your community do when they rally around you. The Helping Hub want to facilitate the sharing of recipient and giver stories/narratives in different ways, allowing people to relate to it in their own way. These stories allows people to draw inspiration and courage from others.

Episode Links

You can find Jacqui Bloom, and more on the helping hub at:

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In this episode of the Social Lights Podcast, podcast host and Social Mediology founder Kate vanderVoort chats with Jacqui Bloom, the founder of the Helping Hub.

About Jacqui

The Helping Hub is an online gift platform and registry service that allows people to support friends and family in need with thoughtful gifts and practical support such as laundry services, cleaning services, meal, delivery, pet care, personal care services, and anything else that might be useful, purposeful or meaningful when people are going through a hard time (or just because!).

Jacqui studied business management and marketing with sales and started out running the family business for 15 years in the fashion industry. She then transitioned into palliative care, in collaboration with Cure Cancer Australia. Her varied life experiences have led her to launching The Helping Hub.


“Wouldn't it have been amazing if there was one place that everyone could go in times of need that has a list of everything you need” (07:31) 

In 2005 Jacqui’s family endured the tragic loss of her young brother-in-law Rob, at the age of 37. Leaving her sister to manage the care and support of their four grieving children, while also dealing with her own personal stress of losing her husband. Less than 12 months after Rob’s passing, the unthinkable struck again and her mother, Evelyn was diagnosed with Cancer.

With a passion for helping others and through her own personal experiences of grief, loss, motherhood, illness, injury, and divorce Jacqui recognised that help is often the most difficult to ask for, but also the most appreciated. She thought it would have been amazing if there was one place that everyone could go that would have a list of useful, purposeful or meaningful things  that you need to help you, when things go wrong. When Jacqui lived through her own grief and loss, she experienced first-hand the way capable people still need extra support to get them through the ongoing challenge of dealing with the everyday. She was inspired to find an easier way to help people help themselves and others in need – as well as making ways to celebrate life’s happiest occasions more meaningful and memorable. In late 2020 she launched The Helping Hub.


“Making a difference in someone's life” (13:32)

Jacqui explains how her website works. You can hop on the Helping Hub and you can gift someone or yourself some extra time, things like house cleaning, meal delivery, babysitting, someone doing your washing, anything you need. You are gifting a product or service that will make a difference in someone's life. The recipient receives the help they need, something that they may be too afraid to ask for. It also gives the giftee the gratification of knowing that you have gifted them something that is useful and purposeful.


“Some people react by hearing other people's stories and they take inspiration and courage from that.” (22:14)

Jacqui is growing her community, that isn’t just from the buyers but also the sellers, creating a community where the business values align. It is that sense of helping someone, that's what your community do when they rally around you. The Helping Hub want to facilitate the sharing of recipient and giver stories/narratives in different ways, allowing people to relate to it in their own way. These stories allows people to draw inspiration and courage from others.

Episode Links

You can find Jacqui Bloom, and more on the helping hub at:

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Thanks for your time and stay inspired,

Kate vanderVoort