In this episode of the Social Lights Podcast, podcast host and Social Mediology founder Kate vanderVoort chats with David Trotter. David is a business growth consultant, and creator of Rise Up Creatives, who's dedicated to helping new business owners rise above their biggest barriers to reach their greatest goals.

About David

David is the host of the Inspiration Rising podcast with over 190 episodes, featuring female entrepreneurs and leaders sharing their experience and wisdom. His latest book is entitled Empower to Rise: The Secret to Embracing Your True Identity Uncovering Your Superpowers and Bringing Your Inspiration to the World. Previously, David was a pastor starting fast-growing churches for over 10 years, owned a six-figure marketing boutique for 12 years, produced and directed four award-winning feature films on social justice issues and has written a dozen books. David and his wife, Laura have been married for over 26 years and they live in Southern California with their two almost grown kids who are both in college.

He mentions that in this moment of his life he wants to be working with people, especially female entrepreneurs, helping them start and grow their businesses. He loves helping people that have their own vision or dream, either a product or service they want to offer. His role is often to help these business owners clarify their vision with a step-by-step approach, allowing them to achieve their goals and develop their community.


“Help people save time and stand out!” (15:28)

David’s goal is to help people save time and stand out. Business owners want to bring their message to the world, whether it's a product or a service or something that they are wanting to offer. As a business coach, he helps his clients find clarity in their idea, their offer and their ideal customer and then translating that into content that can be shared and will capture people’s attention (visual & text). He notices that many of his clients are women who didn’t know how to build a social media presence because it felt unusual or awkward. With the goal to save time and stand out, his company created a monthly membership that allowed entrepreneurs to have social media tools in place that they can either use or be inspired by.


“Peace, play, serve and flow” (30:45)

David explains that every day he tells himself four words, Peace, Play, Serve and Flow. When you repeat those four words every day you will see the difference in your life. He describes to us that he wants to be in peace, where he doesn’t want to take on a client, a contract or work in an environment that does not cultivate peace. He needs to learn to play, be more playful and enjoy the little things in life, he wants to serve people and in kind, it will be returned to you. Finally, if you achieve peace, play, and serve you will be in the flow of life and by investing others around you, you will achieve a flow of financial resources as well.


“You can do it!” (38:58)

He wants to share his life message that is, you can do it! If you have a dream, a desire, or there is something inside of you that wants to start a business or something, we have all the tools we need right in front of us. It is important to take it to step by step, it will be a long process and difficult sometimes, but you need to keep that mentality that you can do things, and you will start seeing the results.

Episode Links

You can find David Trotter, and more on Rise Up Creatives at:



In this episode of the Social Lights Podcast, podcast host and Social Mediology founder Kate vanderVoort chats with David Trotter. David is a business growth consultant, and creator of Rise Up Creatives, who's dedicated to helping new business owners rise above their biggest barriers to reach their greatest goals.

About David

David is the host of the Inspiration Rising podcast with over 190 episodes, featuring female entrepreneurs and leaders sharing their experience and wisdom. His latest book is entitled Empower to Rise: The Secret to Embracing Your True Identity Uncovering Your Superpowers and Bringing Your Inspiration to the World. Previously, David was a pastor starting fast-growing churches for over 10 years, owned a six-figure marketing boutique for 12 years, produced and directed four award-winning feature films on social justice issues and has written a dozen books. David and his wife, Laura have been married for over 26 years and they live in Southern California with their two almost grown kids who are both in college.

He mentions that in this moment of his life he wants to be working with people, especially female entrepreneurs, helping them start and grow their businesses. He loves helping people that have their own vision or dream, either a product or service they want to offer. His role is often to help these business owners clarify their vision with a step-by-step approach, allowing them to achieve their goals and develop their community.


“Help people save time and stand out!” (15:28)

David’s goal is to help people save time and stand out. Business owners want to bring their message to the world, whether it's a product or a service or something that they are wanting to offer. As a business coach, he helps his clients find clarity in their idea, their offer and their ideal customer and then translating that into content that can be shared and will capture people’s attention (visual & text). He notices that many of his clients are women who didn’t know how to build a social media presence because it felt unusual or awkward. With the goal to save time and stand out, his company created a monthly membership that allowed entrepreneurs to have social media tools in place that they can either use or be inspired by.


“Peace, play, serve and flow” (30:45)

David explains that every day he tells himself four words, Peace, Play, Serve and Flow. When you repeat those four words every day you will see the difference in your life. He describes to us that he wants to be in peace, where he doesn’t want to take on a client, a contract or work in an environment that does not cultivate peace. He needs to learn to play, be more playful and enjoy the little things in life, he wants to serve people and in kind, it will be returned to you. Finally, if you achieve peace, play, and serve you will be in the flow of life and by investing others around you, you will achieve a flow of financial resources as well.


“You can do it!” (38:58)

He wants to share his life message that is, you can do it! If you have a dream, a desire, or there is something inside of you that wants to start a business or something, we have all the tools we need right in front of us. It is important to take it to step by step, it will be a long process and difficult sometimes, but you need to keep that mentality that you can do things, and you will start seeing the results.

Episode Links

You can find David Trotter, and more on Rise Up Creatives at:







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Thanks for your time and stay inspired,

Kate vanderVoort