In this episode of the Social Lights Podcast, podcast host and Social Mediology founder Kate vanderVoort chats with Lucas Becker, who tells us why he and his partners started Grilo Protein, and why they think crickets are the food of the future.


Lucas and his three co-founders wanted a business with a purpose. Though driven towards eating healthy, sustainability has also been a huge player in their lifestyles. They eat organic when possible, source local produce, and make it a habit to avoid plastic bags and drive less.

Their vision for Grilo Protein? "A planet and it's people powered by future-conscious food". The best way they can achieve this vision? Sharing their knowledge and educating people on eating bugs.


"Crickets—the next big thing in healthy food" (11:17)

Crickets are nutritious—and are a very good option for those with an iron or B12 deficiency who don’t want to eat meat every day. Grilo Protein offers an interesting and nutritious range of cricket products, from whole roasted crickets to energy bars and cricket powder. With their Supergreens and Cricket powder, you get 153% of your Reference Daily Intake (RDI) of iron. With their plain Cricket Powder, you get 155% RDI of B12. Even pregnant mums have good things to say about their cricket powder!


"Producing healthy food with nothing to hide" (13:07)

When it comes to what’s inside their products, Grilo Protein has nothing to hide. Everything you read in the labels are real ingredients—you’ll find no numbers in their ingredients list. They do their absolute best to ensure that people know what they are eating.


"Providing people maximum nutrition with minimum resources from the environment" (13:32)

For Grilo Protein, sustainability is a big driver. They strive to show that by eating crickets, you are choosing a protein alternative that uses far less resources, takes up far less land, uses minimum water, and is 12x more efficient than many other proteins currently in the market.

Episode Links

You can find Lucas Becker and more about Grilo Protein at:



Thanks for your time and stay inspired,

Kate vanderVoort