Are we living through a moral panic about Social Media? Many folks are concerned about misinformation while for others censorship is the main concern. Social media companies seem stuck in a dilemma where they’re damned whatever they do. Does the magnitude of the problems measure up to the handwringing on either side? Is our ability to make sense of things lost in this hall of mirrors? 

Some argue that algorithms create asymmetries between enfeebled humans and awesome AIs. Others say these concerns are overblown and that partisans are scapegoating social media companies for the failures of legacy governance. 

Join us for what turned out to be, in moments, a heated exchange. You will not be bored. Strap in and hang on. (And of course: like, share, and hit subscribe.)

The Facebook Files - Wall Street Journal
The Social Dilemma
Limbic Hijacking
Operant conditioning chamber aka “skinner box”
Filter Bubble
Propaganda by Edward Bernays 
“We shape our tools and our tools shape us”
Marshall Macluhan
Critical Theory
A Propoganda Model by Noam Chomsky
B.F.  Skinner
Blank Slate
Evolutionary Psychology

IQ and susceptibility to misinformation
A/B split testing 
Click-through rate
Search engine optimization (SEO)
Conversion rate optimization (SRO)
Online Advertising networks and Ad exchanges
Unexplainability and Incomprehensibility of AI
RSS Newsreader
Moral panic
Steel Man Argument
Viral phenomenon
Hooked: How to Build Habit Forming Products by Nir Eyal
Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life also by Nir Eyal
Nudge theory
NPR Bias
Instagram in the News: Mental Health Risks for Teen Girls
Conspiracy theory
Internet meme
Political polarization
Understanding the Blue Church by Jordan Hall
A brief explanation of the cathedral by Curtis Yarvin
The Prussion Welfare State
High modernism
FDR’s Fireside Chats
Psychographic segmentation
Facebook needs, wants, must have regulation, Zuckerberg says
Regulatory capture
Deregulation of the Radio Broadcast Industry
Big 3 TV Networks
Walter Cronkite
Citizen journalism
Cyperphunk manifesto
Socrates on writing
Print and the persecution of witches
Spiral Dynamics
Plato’s Authoritarianism
Public choice theory
Rawls’ Reasonable Pluralism
Daniel Schmactenberger
Occam’s Razor
Lab-leak vs zoonotic origins of SARS-Cov-2
Crony Capitalism
Chinese Communist Party - The Great Firewall
Elizabeth Warren Call on Facebook to Stop the Deliberate Spread of Disinformation
Frances Haugen
The Hypocrisy of The Social Dilemma
Tristan Harris
Cambridge Analytica Controversy
Sensemaking in the Era of Authoritarian Media by Max Borders
Hot to make your iphone black & white
Less Wrong
Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters by Steven Pinker
Sequences by Eliezar Yudkowsky
Critical thinking
The dubious rise of ivermectin as a Covid-19 treatment, explained by Kelsey Piper
Bayesian inference
The Constitution of Knowledge: A Defense of Truth by Jonathan Rauch
CGP Grey
Prediction Market
Distributed ledger & blockchain
Open Science

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