Previous Episode: Apocalypse!

Since humans roamed in paleolithic clan groups, humans have arranged themselves in different ways in order to coordinate. New forms of organization continue to emerge to this day. Max Borders and Michael Porcelli have a deeper look at these organizational forms, where they come from, and where they could be going. The hosts peer through the lenses of institutional rules, culture, as well as the technologies that enable different forms. The upshot? Insights about these rapidly evolving forms could be the most important lessons humanity has to learn so as to reckon with the onrush of complexity.


Eight metaphors of organization
Prosocial behavior and Eusociality
Blueprint: The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society by Nicholas Christakis
Paleolithic - the era of hunter-gatherer society
Neolithic Revolution - the transition to settled agrarian society
Hierarchical organization
Constitutional Documents - the legalistic definition of an organization
Corporate governance 
Capitalization Table
Business Entity Types and 501(c)(3) Organization
Exogenous and Endogenous
Dutch East India Company and British East India Company
Juridical Person and Corporate Personhood
Carrot and stick
Protection racket
Profit motive
Biological Thermodynamics
Social Organization: The Thermodynamic Basis by Adrian Bejan, et al.
How physics explains the evolution of social organization
Blood vessels and the Aorta
Tree structure
Dunbar number
Jeff Bezos and
The Nature of the Firm by Ronald Coase and Transaction Costs,  
Property rights
Org chart
Workplace politics
Buck passing
Political decay
Executive function
Decision fatigue
Biological bases of conformity
Biological cases of hierarchy
Organizational structure
Visionary entrepreneurship
Corporate values
Processing tensions in holacracy
Corporate culture
The HP Way
Emergent culture
Ouja board
Peter Drucker
Cultural relativism / pluralism 
Metarelating practice
Clearing the air
Weaving shared reality
Diversity, equity, and inclusion
Dismantling” racism at work
Dismantling” patriarchy at work
Technical debt and organizational debt
Information Technology, Telecommunication, Databases
Cryptocurrency and distributed ledger
Smart contract
Distributed Autonomous Organization (DAO)
Forking the code
Bitcoin and Ethereum
Reduced transaction costs
Economies of scale
Client server model
Amazon Web Services
Decentralized web
Cosmos and Taxis by Friedrich Hayek
After Collapse: The End of America and the Rebirth of Her Ideals
Economic planning
Emergent order
Taylorism and Fordism
Teal organization
Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage in Human Consciousness by Frédéric Laloux