Higher states of consciousness, whether through psychedelics or meditative practice, straddle the cognitive and the sacred. As we enter a “psychedelic renaissance,” we must do so not in a bacchanalian frenzy, but with respect and discernment. Michael and Max explore their personal experiences as well as the value of higher states in both personal transformation and contemporary life. Removing taboos around psychedelic substances, which are still illegal in most jurisdictions, starts with frank discussions around risks, benefits, and the need for wisdom.

Ego death
Set and Setting
Psychological Shadow
Varieties of Religious Experience by William James
The Immortality Key by Brian C. Muraresku
Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley
How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan
The Psychedelic Renaissance
Appolonian and Dionysian
Eleusinian Mysteries
The Omega Point and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Terrence McKenna Omega Point
Where do ideas come from? with Alan Moore
Imagination and Hypothesis generation
Adult Development
Second Tier
Mystical Experiences
Model of hierarchical complexity
Is stage theory BS? - Nora Bateson