We love eMarketer’s in-depth reports on all things digital marketing. In this episode, we discuss the highlights from this 18 page report on the podcast. Big thanks to Debra Aho Williamson for including Jess in the interviews and research.

Instagram is hitting it out of the park across so many vectors. Influencers is yet another one. According to eMarketer’s research, the fleeting nature of Instagram stories combined with the ability to include outbound links is hugely attractive for both brands and influencers. If your influencer program is not leveraging both the Instagram Feed and Stories platforms, it should.

The rise of “tiering” of influencers has also caught our attention. With celebrity influencers losing credibility with audiences and inflating their follower counts, many brands are turning to microinfluencers and nanoinfluencers. Are you a nanoinfluencer? Find out in the podcast!

Budgets are growing, both in whole number spend and as a percentage of the overall marketing mix. 31% of marketers say that they are increasing focus on influencer marketing. Here's a quote from the report:

"At Qualcomm, it’s still a very small percentage of the overall marketing and PR budget,” said Jessica Jensen, the company’s global director of digital marketing and strategy. “But because there is enough interest in it, and an awareness that it’s not going to go away, there will likely be additional budget."

So much more in this in-depth global report on all things influencers. Listen to episode #33 to get our POV.


Links we reference in the show are below:

Intro to report and link to buy:


eMarketer’s Podcast with highlights from the report: https://www.emarketer.com/content/podcast-influencer-marketing-stories-fraud-and-microinfluencers 


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