Season #2 - Episode #17 – Lewes FC “Gender Equality FC” - Sometimes things work out perfectly. The Snobs couldn’t be happier to be releasing our Lewes FC episode today, on the heels of the greedy Super League news. Lewes FC is the exact opposite to these clubs and their greed. Lewes FC is a community owned club with high standards and values. For example both the men’s and women’s teams are paid equally garnering them the nickname Equality FC. They do not take sponsorship from gambling sites and in fact fight corruption in soccer. The club is community owned with the goal of having the most owners in the world. 1 vote 1 person. We were extremely lucky to get the charismatic and elegantly spoken Karen Dobres to join us and speak about the club. Her passion for the club comes out in the episode. Oh and why is their ground called the Dripping Pan???