Join us for our latest episode of the Sober on Purpose podcast, where we're joined by Beth Sandlin as she explores how Pilates can be a unique tool for recovering from trauma.

Trauma can take many forms and stem from various situations, from natural disasters to serious illnesses, life-threatening events, car accidents, assaults, and more. It doesn't discriminate based on age or life stage.

Discover how Pilates offers a fresh perspective on healing from trauma. Whether you're personally navigating through it or supporting someone who is, Pilates might offer some unexpected benefits.

Explore the empowering journey of understanding your body's resilience and strength. Pilates isn't just about physical movement; it's about reconnecting with yourself and appreciating your body's capabilities.

Pilates involves exercises that engage muscles without excessive movement, promoting strength, control, and mindfulness. By focusing on core and back muscles, you'll develop a stronger foundation.

While Pilates promotes harmony between mind and body, it's not without its challenges. However, under Beth Sandlin's guidance, you'll find a holistic approach to healing and integration.

So, grab your headphones and join us as Beth shares her insights. It might just be the guidance you need right now.

Find everything you need to know about Beth and Trifecta Pilates on our website.

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Blessings, Tanya Gioia. 🌸