In the build up to the World Radio Day Event 2018 the SOAS Radio Team will be interviewing community radio, representatives of communication for sports & development organisations, radio industry professionals and academics on this years theme of ‘Sports & Radio’ in a series of podcasts.

In this episode, Laura Siegler talks to Anna Kessel. Anna Kessel is a sport journalist for The Observer and The Guardian. In 2007, she co-founded Women in Football, an organisation working on women’s participation in football, celebrating women’s achievement, challenging discrimination and offering professional expertise.

Anna talks about the role of Women in Football in tackling gender issues in the sport industry and the importance of creating a more inclusive sport culture, as well as the role that radio and journalism plays in challenging mirepresentations of women in sport.

The World Radio London 2018 event will be hosted by SOAS Radio on Wednesday 7th February, in the Brunei Gallery at SOAS, University of London from 3-8pm.

Sign up to the event for free here: