"WASH is the collective term for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. Due to their interdependent nature, these three core issues are grouped together to represent a growing sector. While each a separate field of work, each is dependent on the presence of the other. For example, without toilets, water sources become contaminated; without clean water, basic hygiene practices are not possible." (Unicef Website)

Today’s guest is Professor Barbara Evans, who holds the chair in Public Health Engineering in the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Leeds. Her research activities centre on sanitation, hygiene and water services in the global south. Barbara has travelled widely, lived for many years in South Asia, and has worked in over twenty countries. She is active in the global international development arena and is a member of the Strategic Advisory Group of the Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation which reports progress against the Sustainable Development Goals for Water. I talk to her about sanitation development, the politics of international development, and why you should be passionate about faecal sludge management.

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Professor Barbara Evans: https://eps.leeds.ac.uk/civil-engineering/staff/478/professor-barbara-evans

water@leeds: https://water.leeds.ac.uk/

Centre for Global Development (University of Leeds): https://cgd.leeds.ac.uk/

About WASH (UNICEF): https://www.unicef.org/wash/3942_3952.html

World Bank Water and Sanitation Program: https://www.wsp.org/