“British Values” according to Prime Minister David Cameron, describe the “democracy, the rule of law, freedom of speech, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different beliefs and faiths." Its introduction is a response by the state to what it perceives to be Black, Minority and Ethnic (BAME) communities growing and representing a threat to the norms inherited by hundreds of years of colonial rule.

What is portrayed as a way of “uniting” communities can be a way of policing culture and in particular cultures of colour. Invariably, it can also be a way for the government to criminalise articulations of dissent from BAME communities who express the frustrations of marginalisation.

The zine British Values is a response to “British Values.” Written and created by journalist Kieran Yates, the zine seeks to “rewrite the narrative of what "British values" are by passing our aux cords over to taxi drivers, re-visiting our school lunch boxes and generally shining the spotlight on the lives and experiences of non-native Brits.”

Kieran will be discussing “What the fuck British Values” really are and how BAME and how she as a women of colour is creatively responding.

You can buy here: britishvalues.bigcartel.com