In the latest show of SOAS Radio's new coverage of the University's Concert Series, we talk to Cassandre Balbar and Charu Hariharan from Världens Band to find out more about the band and their music.

Featuring 15 musicians, from 7 different countries, Världens Band came together to discover the possibilities when traditions are shared, creativity is freed and diversity is embraced. In this interview we learn how the band met and how they went on to bring their different musical traditions together in a new creative venture that breaks all kinds of borders.

1. Kolonien – My Adventure – Intro music.
2. Världens Band – Sammanhang
3. Världens Band - Tamzara
4. Världens Band – Indian Song
5. O Shakuntala – Pandit Debahshish Bhattacharya & Charu Hariharan
6. Follow the Rats – Barrel Organ Set
7. Världens Band – Farewell to Govan : Superfly

Världens Band –

Monday 20th October:

SOAS Concert Series:

SOAS Radio:

Produced by Alexandra Richardson, Katie Bruce and Karen Boswall

Thanks to Cassandre Balbar and Charu Hariharan from Världens Band