SCN Change Agent Interview Series - Meet Kate Maloney, PhD.
Kate Maloney, PhD is the CEO & Executive Producer of WeRiseUP The Movie and Movement.

The SC Nebula is a global online (and offline - Washington, DC area) hub where conscious leaders from corporate, spiritual, nonprofit and civic groups can connect, collaborate and create more social impact together.

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Full Bio: Kate Maloney, PhD is the CEO & Executive Producer of WeRiseUP The Movie and Movement that features the United Nations and key global leaders including the Dalai Lama, John Mackey (Founder, Whole Foods Market), Amina Mohammad (Secretary Deputy General of the United Nations), Blake Mycoskie (Founder, TOMS Shoes), Tony Hsieh (Founder, Zappos), Luke Nosek, (Co-Founder, PayPal), Casey Sheehan (former President/CEO, Patagonia), Moby (Grammy Artist), Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul series) among many others. Kate has a background a social entrepreneur was featured as a top entrepreneur in Inc Magazine and is an INC 500 Company Founder. Over the last decade, Kate has founded over a dozen technology companies primarily in the healthcare sector and has had nine company exits. She has served as Co-Board Chair with John Mackey (Founder & CEO, Whole Foods Market) to bring together conscious business and thought leaders together in a non-profit context to solve some of the most serious problems facing the planet today. Kate holds a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology and a Doctoral Degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Organizational & Financial Applications.

In an effort to promote global champions of change, we have set an extraordinary goal of interviewing 1000 people this year who are change agents in their communities.
Tune in as our interview guests share how they are contributing their gifts, skills, experiences, resources and wisdom to create a better world. Learn about the different causes and initiatives they care about. If theses causes resonate with you, reach out to our interviewees and offer up your superpowers.

Join us. Let's not just stand for something ... let's do something!