SCN Change Agent Interview Series - Meet Shira Harrington.

The SC Nebula is a global online (and offline - Washington, DC area) hub where conscious leaders from corporate, spiritual, nonprofit and civic groups can connect, collaborate and create more social impact together.

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Nominate a Change Agent for our Interview Series.

In an effort to promote global champions of change, we have set an extraordinary goal of interviewing 1000 people this year who are change agents in their communities.
Tune in as our interview guests share how they are contributing their gifts, skills, experiences, resources and wisdom to create a better world. Learn about the different causes and initiatives they care about. If theses causes resonate with you, reach out to our interviewees and offer up your superpowers.

Shira Harrington, Chief Engagement Officer of Purposeful Hire, is committed to finding the “higher purpose” in every hire. Within her career coaching, small business branding, recruiting and generational diversity practices, Shira creates highly engaged workplaces by focusing on the mutual purpose of both employers and job seekers.

In her career coaching practice, Shira’s expertise is helping job seekers create a powerful career brand including a recruiter-focused resume and LinkedIn profile. She also supports solopreneurs in their launch by developing a targeted business development strategy and compelling website.

Shira is a regular speaker at DC area job seeker groups and association peer networks; and she plays an active role in the human resources community, having served on the boards of the HR Leadership Forum and the DC chapter of SHRM.

Shira also is a diversity keynote presenter with a special expertise in engaging a multigenerational workforce. She brings her extensive research and her unique, ‘real world’ perspective of the world at work to bridge the perceived gaps between the generations and prepare executives for the coming labor shortage.

A fervent champion of age diversity, Shira launched, a nonprofit program empowering professionals age 50+ to transition into self-employment. Through a divine epiphany in 2013, she became profoundly aware that this age cohort requires new income solutions as they “age out” of the traditional W2 workforce.

Shira earned a Masters degree in Public Relations with a focus on employee communications from the University of Maryland at College Park.

Cause that matters to Shira:
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