There are few topics as difficult to address as sex trafficking. From the scale of the crisis at a global level to the stigma faced by many survivors to the challenges of prosecuting perpetrators, the issue is as overwhelming as it is complex. NightLight is a non-profit working in both Thailand and the US to rescue and support victims of sex trafficking and exploitation in the sex industry. Working case-by-case, the NightLight team is providing holistic support to those in need - making an impact on a global crisis one individual at a time.

In this episode, NightLight Missouri's Director, Savannah Stepp, walks us through the work of this heart-centered organization - both in the US office in Missouri, and in Thailand. In this episode you'll hear about:

The definition of trafficking and the challenges in recognizing it
How exploitation occurs in the sex industry
The challenges for victims of sex trafficking in Thailand, and what can be done to help, including the importance of job training and employment
How law enforcement in the US can play a role in supporting victims - just by listening
Why focusing on "eradicating" sex trafficking is not the only answer
Why doing something about a cause you care about will probably also have an impact on trafficking

There's no question this global crisis is a daunting one - but this episode will help you understand more about this complex topic, and what you can do to make an impact.

Resources mentioned in this episode to help you learn more about this issue - and ways to get involved - are: