Season 1 is coming to an end! Don't worry - the party's just getting started, but before we officially move into the future we're taking one more look back at the past by chatting about the big lessons learned from Season 1 and how they apply to whatever you're up to these days!

This season as been full of lessons. The interviewees and social causes featured during Season 1 of the podcast ranged from fair trade to financial literacy, from mentorship to money, from world class hospitals of New York City to make shift birthing centers in Haiti. We talked about privilege. We talked about theatre. We talked about voting with your dollar, and why every dollar counts.

And we talked about about giving back is the new black. Philanthropy isn't a privilege for the wealthy. We're taking it back, one Broke Girl at a time.

In this week's solocast I go over the 5 biggest takeaways I have from Season 1 - takeaways which relate to both giving back, and launching a podcast (they actually have a lot in common!):

Just get started – and don’t give a shit what anyone else thinks
You’ll learn things you don’t even know you want to learn
Sometimes it may not be amazing....
....and sometimes it really will
The Narnia Door (you'll have to just tune in to hear more about this one!).

Season 1 has been amazing and I'm beyond excited for what's ahead in Season 2 (here's a hint: its starting with a little facelift for the website!). Stay tuned for new episodes in a few weeks - and in the meantime, get out there and give something back. Because if we've learned one thing this season its that every dollar - and every person - counts.