Nicole Anzia and Katherine DiGiovanni of NeatNik, an organizing firm out of Washington, D.C., know first-hand how hectic life can be after the loss of a loved one. So many decisions, so many people to communicate with, and so… much… stuff! They offer solid tips on how to approach cleaning out and organizing the belongings of a loved one. 

They also discuss why clutter in the home can be an added stress to your life, why it’s okay to ask for help, and what the process would look like if you hire an organizing professional to help you in your time of grief. HINT: it’s SO easy, and SUCH a good idea.

Episode Highlights:

Nicole and Katherine’s experience with the loss of their parents Decision fatigue and why you’re not crazy-- you’re fatigued! Suggestions of what to tell people when they ask “How can I help?” after the death of a loved one Tips on how to tackle the organization of your loved one’s things, from making categories, enlisting help, not sticking around to see the items removed from the home, and more. Breaking down how clutter in the home can have an impact on the stress in our life and tips that you can implement today to help

Connect with Nicole and Katherine on Instagram: 

**Enjoy 15% off of a ONE HOUR virtual session with the ladies of Neat Nik**
Refer to code SSFYL in the contact form

Want more advice on organizing? I detailed my own experience and offered lessons learned in episode 4 of SSFYL.

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