Americans have made so many advancements in life, but why has the understanding and acceptance of death relatively stayed stagnant? Over the past year, COVID forced people to think about funerals and death differently as virtual arrangements needed to be made. And this opens up the question-- how can death be handled better?

Jessica Wertz has set out to do just that. With her and her sister’s company, Spirit Vessel, they want people to “live more full and conscious lives by having the ability to address the most important aspect of our life-- our death.”

She talks about why our culture has a disconnect in the wheel of life when it comes to the end of the cycle, ways to think differently about death and funerals, and ways her company promotes planning personalized celebration of life ceremonies.


Episode Highlights:

What led Jessica and her sister Amanda to starting a business about death Jessica’s time living in the wilderness for three years gaining a different perspective on life Why a personalized death ceremony could help your grief after How to approach difficult conversations about death with family Advice for setting up a will and wishes Innovative ways to add personalization to a funeral  Passages and prompts offered in the Spirit Vessel guide to help you design a meaningful death celebration for you or your loved one


Connect with Jessica Wertz and Spirit Vessel:

Check out the Instagram Reach out via email Visit the website Ceremony package options  (I'm proud to be an affiliate partner with Spirit Vessel and any purchases made from this link may result in compensation for SSFYL)

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