This Friday, lots of questions about best ways to invest for retirement and steps for co-mingling finances with a partner. I recently got married and we've been together for 10 years. We have built our lives together, but still have separate bank accounts. We are now talking about combining some money to create a household accountt. He uses a credit union, I use a bank. Is there a benefit to either? Does it matter?

Special co-host is Catie Hogan is a financial planner with the women-owned Element Financial Group. She’s also the author of the humorous and informative book The Millennial’s Guide to Getting Your Sh*t Together, and an accomplished humor writer and performer. Catie is on a mission to help young adults, particularly women and those in marginalized communities, become more financially literate and empowered. She does this using simple explanations of complex topics, personal anecdotes, and humorous relatability.

Catie understands what it means to be a broke Millennial. She finished college with six-figures in student loan debt, worked entry-level jobs to make ends meet, and had no idea how or where to save and invest money. But after reading several personal finance books, she realized she was one of millions of young adults in this situation—and this became the catalyst for her current career. Catie is putting a fresh, new spin on the fundamentals of personal finance. She believes learning how to be a successful adult doesn't have to be so serious.

Catie's book:

Element Financial Group: