How to know when your side-hustle deserves your fullest attention? And it’s time to give your day job your 2-weeks notice?

Our guest today, Leah Gervais, first came on the podcast last year, episode 602. She joined me for an Ask Farnoosh jam session and, at the time, she was a working professional in New York, and also blogging at her site for a creative outlet.

Today, she’s fully self-employed, has said buy-bye to her 9 to 5 and dedicating all her focus to her website.

When did she know she was ready?

How is she monetizing her platform?

What advice does she have for you, if you’re considering a side gig or in the midst of one...and wanting to make more of it.

Please visit Leah’s website at and follow her on instagram @Urban20Something.

Leah would like to share with us her free case study that describes how she went on to make thousands of dollars in her side hustle. It also comes with an interactive element so you can apply the differences to your business. It's at