Forget lean in. How about be gutsy?

Our guest today is former Cosmopolitan Editor-in-Chief and media giant Kate White. She is a New York Times bestselling author of multiple books, both fiction and non-fiction. Her latest career guide is called The Gutsy Girl Handbook: Your Manifesto for Success.

There are many career guides for women these days. I’ve read all of them. The Gutsy Girl Handbook by Kate White cuts right the matter of why some women succeed and others fall behind in their careers. It draws on research, and offers never-before told stories from Kate’s tenure as the editor-in-chief of Cosmo. In our conversation we learn why when we worry we give up our power. How to combat gender bias in the workplace and Kate’s own gutsiness that scored her the head role at one of the country’s leading magazines.

In our current world of mansplaining and the #MeToo movement, it seems like the perfect time for Kate to remind us again of why it’s so important to have confidence and ambition in our careers. Careers give us so much, including money. And if there’s one thing I’m reminded of more and more these days, it’s that if I want to have options, power and freedom in my, financial freedom it’s incredibly important. 

To learn more about Kate White, visit her website and follow her on twitter @KateMWhite

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