Five years ago, two billionaires named Bill Ackman and Carl Icahn duked it out on national TV and the clip went viral. They hurled accusations and insults at each other over a financial deal gone wrong, and our next guest, Scott Wapner, was the CNBC host who was right in the middle of the battle.

Scott is on the show today to discuss this TV battle that helped him make a name for himself as a journalist. And, he didn’t stop there. He recently published a book last month called WHEN THE WOLVES BITE: TWO BILLIONAIRES, ONE COMPANY, AND AN EPIC WALL STREET BATTLE.

This book gives the real story of this viral disagreement including unparalleled access to both men and where they stand now. We’ll talk not only about the book but about Scott Wapner’s career, how he got started, and of course, what makes him So Money.  Visit for more