When you think of retiring early…you might think 55..50…Mr. Money Mustache retired when he was 30 – which WAS the youngest age I’d heard of retiring at…until I got an email from my guest today Travis Hornsby. He is 25 years old and claims that he is retired! My first reaction was – WHAT? And then I laughed…and then I thought I really need to talk to him.A little more about Travis: Up until this year he was working as a bond trader at Vanguard. He had passed the CFA exams, and was on track to become a Portfolio Manager, but he realized that he wasn't fulfilled…reminds me of a tony robbins saying that success without fulfillment is FAILURE. Travis had always been a big saver since college, so he decided to take the plunge and start saving two-thirds of his income and live like a pauper with the goal to retire at 25, which he has just achieved. As of right now he is enjoying his retirement by traveling the world. He’s already been all over Europe, and plans to travel to South America and Asia next. Today he’s coming to us all the way from Poland!He has started the website millennialmoola.com to share his advice and help others save and live more. He also has a brand new book called 25 IS THE NEW 65, where he shares his story of how he retired early and shows other millennials how they can do it too.
