Kevin Cron and Steve Menendian analyze Vintage tactics: cantrips. Also, Old School Magic, Titus Chalk’s So Do You Wear a Cape?, and Magic card prices. Timestamped Table of Contents: 0:01:00: Announcements: upcoming tournaments, Old School Magic, So Do You Wear a Cape? 0:15:44: Card prices and the future of reprints: Vintage, Legacy and Modern 0:24:10: […]

Kevin Cron and Steve Menendian analyze Vintage tactics: cantrips. Also, Old School Magic, Titus Chalk’s So Do You Wear a Cape?, and Magic card prices.

Timestamped Table of Contents:

0:01:00: Announcements: upcoming tournaments, Old School Magic, So Do You Wear a Cape?

0:15:44: Card prices and the future of reprints: Vintage, Legacy and Modern

0:24:10: Brainstorm

0:48:30: Ponder

0:54:40: Preordain

Total Runtime: 1:22:45

Other Show Notes

– Pauper to the People 143 Video Audio

So Do You Wear a Cape? by Titus Chalk

Is Legacy Cheaper Than Standard?

Team Serious Vintage Open Vintage (Columbus, OH, USA) – April 12

Odyssey Games Vintage (Kalamazoo, MI, USA) – April 12

Vintage at Eudemonia (CA, USA) – April 20

93/94 Old School Magic at Eudemonia (CA, USA) – May 18th

Comic Town Legacy/Vintage Split Tournament (Columbus, OH, USA) – May 31

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