For this episode it was Cori's pick and she went with the Grandpa centric episode Lady Bouvier's Lover. In this episode we discuss the following:

- Fine Foley work that no one asked for

- Cori's new found appreciation of Megan fox

- Patrick impresses with his knowledge of old timey music

- Cori's familial connection to Check Norris

- Patrick sees moments of the episode through different eyes as an adult then he did as a kid

- Problematic ad lyrics 

- The beef between Maggie and Gerald

- Novelty telephone talk

- Timely Judge Reinhold references

- Cori's childhood vs. Bryan & Patrick's

- Cori has another "Hello Therapist" moment with her experiences as a "weird" kid

- Bryan and Cori find a way to alienate Patrick

- An MMC and Kids Incorporated mash up?

Thank you as always for listening and for the support!