Alright this was a great one! We were having so much fun discusisng Treehouse of Horror II with our good friends Mike & Maurice form the Bogeyman's Closet that this turned out to be one of our longest episodes yet. Don't let that turn you away though, we had a ton of laughs on this one and hope that you'll enjoy listening to it as musch as we had recording it. This time we discuss:

- Our favorite Haloween costumes

- Mike tells us about EC Comics

- Brenden gets upset with our relationship to memes and he makes us all feel old

- Older Trick or Treaters yay or nay

- CORRECTION: Older trick or treaters are not Dolph and Kearney, but rather Jimbo and Kearney

- Bryan just discovered deeper meaning in a classic Simpsons joke

- Brenden does some dream analysis

- Cori discusses her "I Frakenstein" trauma 

Our special thanks to our friends Mike & Maurice from the Bogeyman's Closet for helping us out with this one! Please check them out at and on Twitter: @BogeymansThe or check out all of Mike's other work (art and other shows) on Rad Pantheon (