Hello and Welcome! My guests today are Lisset Diaz and Miguel Comas, two members of the terrific young band, the Sweet Lizzie Project. These guys have a story to tell!

Some time ago, PBS went to Cuba to learn more about the music scene there. That led to the migration of Lisset, Miguel, and the rest of the Sweet Lizzie Project band to the United States. Here's the amazing story of how it happened!

I saw the band at a small house party about two months ago and I was instantly hooked. The band resides in Nashville, and their music uniquely reflects influences from both residences. Yet it is unequivocally and uniquely their own and I can't recommend it enough. Diaz is a powerhouse of a singer; Miguel Comas produces their music, and adds his signature lead guitar to the mix; and together they lead this young band that you need to learn more about. 

And here's your opportunity!

The songs you'll hear are Something, from the debut album Heaven, and their recently released duet with Raul Malo and the Mavericks, entitled Flower's In The Seed. Diaz is a truly unique stylist as these songs attest; but make sure you check out the entirety of the Heaven album. It's been in my heavy rotation for some time now, and for good reason! And a new album, entitled Technicolor, is coming soon!

You can find all of it on their comprehensive website. They also have a Facebook page and they're on Instagram. And check out the first rate videos for both Flower's In the Seed and Turn Up The Radio - a true classic, as we discuss on the show. Both - and many others - can be found here.

Thank you Lisset and Miguel for joining me. And to all of you who like the show, please share it, rate it, and all those good things. In the meantime, enjoy getting to know the Sweet Lizzie Project!