Are you MEGA SUPER DEPRESSED? Do you want to hear Justin get berated for picking one of the most downer movies in the last 20 years to watch this week? OF COURSE YOU DO, right? Well that's what we were working with as we belatedly paired 2000's 'Requiem For A Dream' and 2002's 'The Rules of Attraction' for an honest-to-goodness, slit-your-wrists double feature! (insert heavy sigh here) Like many episodes, this week's left us with more questions than answers! Like...what is Jared Leto's major malfunction? Why wasn't 'Requiem' filmed with more happy colors? Should we visit our mothers more? Electro-shock therapy? Like, for reals? What if Candyman attended the famous double-sided sex toy party? Why is Dawson Leery so angry-face? Is puking during sex grounds for a punch in the jaw? Which 'Rules' character does Krissy hate the least? This episode's language calls for a PG-13 rating but the subject matter throughout makes it highly R-rated! So you've been warned!

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