Rant alert! In this episode, we talk about the frustrating ways that businesses make it hard for us to give them our money, and the importance of keeping things easy and keeping the customer in mind. 

Why is that important for business? 

When a company (even *EEK* your company) doesn’t seem to understand the problem that we are attempting to solve, nor how they are going to solve the problem, it makes it hard to give them our money. 

And it’s an important reminder to make sure you look at your business from the client’s point of view. Are you repeatedly getting the same questions, or repeatedly having to explain the same things? That’s a clue that you need to look at that part of your process and make it easier. 

Like we talked about in Episode 2, Rule #1: make it easy for people to do what you want them to do. 

Anticipate what your customers need by seeing the experience as much as possible through their eyes. And where you can’t anticipate, respond to their struggles as something that isn’t about them, but an area that you can improve. 

On the side of a frustrated customer is a person at that company who is frustrated that a customer isn’t doing what they want. It’s worth it to look for the path of least resistance and put your thing on that path. It’s worth it to put the sidewalks where the path is well worn.

Tl:dr - make it easy.

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