Previous Episode: Just Like Point Break

Helena is still out of office, which means Matty and Ezra have once again been left to their very nerdy devices. Get ready for an episode a long time coming, beloved listeners: Video Game Movies!

From horror to the horrible and everything in between, Matty and Ezra talk about what makes video games difficult to translate to film, why video game movies are becoming more popular as time goes on, and . They then talk about the ones they’ve specifically seen and liked (even if they weren’t very good), and dig through a long and interesting list of movies to come. There is also a little bit teasing for the Resident Evil movie marathon Matty had two summers ago - yes maybe 9 movies over 4 days is “a lot”, but who HASN’T done it?

Note from Matty: please don’t roast me for my Silent Hill movie opinions, I don’t fully agree with them listening back and in my defense I was very sleepy when I recorded this ep. I do still love Pyramid Head though (:

Helena is still out of office, which means Matty and Ezra have once again been left to their very nerdy devices. Get ready for an episode a long time coming, beloved listeners: Video Game Movies!

From horror to the horrible and everything in between, Matty and Ezra talk about what makes video games difficult to translate to film, why video game movies are becoming more popular as time goes on, and . They then talk about the ones they’ve specifically seen and liked (even if they weren’t very good), and dig through a long and interesting list of movies to come. There is also a little bit teasing for the Resident Evil movie marathon Matty had two summers ago - yes maybe 9 movies over 4 days is “a lot”, but who HASN’T done it?

Note from Matty: please don’t roast me for my Silent Hill movie opinions, I don’t fully agree with them listening back and in my defense I was very sleepy when I recorded this ep. I do still love Pyramid Head though (: