Since we last spoke, I headed over to the Lower Mainland Sheep Producer's Association Wool and Ewe-A-Fair, which is held annually at the Cloverdale Fairgrounds.  I hadn't planned to go, since I prefer to escape to these types of events kid-free if at all possible, but at the last minute, I decided to go with Emily in tow.

We went for the morning, leaving before the fleece auction began at noon.  I just can't be trusted around all those fresh wool fumes!

We had a really nice time, and I found a couple (of pounds, HA!) of goodies to bring home.

I left fully intrigued with (and regretting I didn't buy) one of the woven 'stadium cushions' from Hannelo's Studio.  You can see a picture of what I'm talking about if you follow the link. They look amazing in person! She's a fiber artist based in the Fraser Valley.

I was really impressed with the variety and beautiful colours at Ewesful Creations' booth.  I also made a quick stop in at Birkeland Bros booth. I was really hoping to pick up another pound of white Crossbred sliver to go with the pound I bought at one of the events last year (for a future sweater spin), but they didn't have any of that with them.  Never fear, I found some wool to follow me home.


Lower Mainland Sheep Producer's Association

Ewesful Creations, Chilliwack, BC

Birkeland Bros, Abbotsford, BC

Deb Robson interview on the Fruity Knitting Podcast

Breed specific wool - North Country Cheviot

I also included a little video clip of the way Emily and I have been spinning together. She loves to put her foot on the treadles and help with the spinning. She often insists I take my feet off the treadles so she can do it herself, but she isn't able to keep the wheel going by herself yet.