For two years, ISIS fought to take over the city of Mosul, killing 40,000 civilians.

A group of men and women from around the world flew into Iraq and made their way to Mosul, to try their hand at fighting ISIS.

Snap proudly presents a Classic, "The Badlands."

Producer: Anna Sussman
Original Score: Renzo Gorrio

Check out more from the Free Burma Rangers.
Check out the book City of Death.

"Witness the Free Burma Rangers Rescue of a Young Iraqi Girl"
Watch Dave Eubank (Helmet) run into the line of fire to rescue a young girl who barely survived an ISIS massacre in Mosul. Dave and other members of his group, the Free Burma Rangers, spotted the young girl hiding among scores of dead bodies.

"Ephraim Mattos Rescues an Elderly Iraqi Man"
Watch as Ephraim Mattos (Backwards Cap), a former Navy Seal turned civilian rescue team member, rescues an elderly man who barely survived an ISIS massacre. Despite his heroic efforts, Ephraim was not able to save the old man, who died moments after this video ends.  And the loss haunts Ephraim over and over again.

"A Woman Being Dragged to Safety by the Free Burma Rangers and the Iraqi Army"
Watch the dramatic rescue of a woman left for dead in the courtyard of an abandoned soda factory, surrounded on all sides by ISIS. Unable to carry her from the open-air courtyard without being spotted by ISIS fighters, the rescuers managed to throw the injured woman a length of cable, and drag her over rubble and shrapnel, to safety. 

Snap Classic - Season 9 Episode 14

For two years, ISIS fought to take over the city of Mosul, killing 40,000 civilians.

A mix of missionaries, mercenaries, and misfits from around the world pack their bags, fly to Iraq and voluntarily run into the line of fire to fight back.

Producer: Anna Sussman

Original Score: Renzo Gorrio