Previous Episode: The Cut
Next Episode: One Way Mission


Terry Galloway is ten years old and absolutely hot for summer camp. The only problem is, her family can’t afford it. But after she fails a hearing test at school, Terry learns that she is deaf -- and also eligible to attend The Lions Camp for Crippled Children, a summer camp that is free to kids with disabilities. The summer of 1960, just got way more exciting.

Terry Galloway is a writer, director, and performer for stage, radio, and film. For more about Terry’s childhood in Texas,  check out her book Mean Little Deaf Queer.

Producer: Adizah Eghan

Original Score: Leon Morimoto


The story of the first dog to travel around the world (and refuse a free steak).

For more information on Owney's travels, be sure to check out the Post Office Museum's interactive map. But brace yourself, there's a lot of pins...

Producer: Joe Rosenberg

Original Score: Leon Morimoto


In 1989, an enormous earthquake struck the Bay Area. One of Oakland’s major arteries, the Cypress Freeway, collapsed. And one guy, a local Oaklander, left his home, and dove into the wreckage to save lives.

This story is produced by Liam Donoghue, host and producer of the podcast East Bay Yesterday. If you want to hear about Bruce Lee's most notorious fight, or Oakland's oldest soul food cook, or grizzly bears, you can find the show here.

Co-production by Eliza Smith

Sound design by Davey Kim

Producer: Liam Donoghue and Eliza Smith

Season 9 Episode 33 

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes: little girls, traveling dogs and men who save strangers from disaster... on the Snap Judgment 2018 Gratitude Special.

Season 9 Episode 33