The story of The Mirage, the famous undercover Chicago Sun bar, as told by two reporters posing as bartenders.  Pam Zekman currently works as an investigative reporter for CBS 2 Chicago. You can find Zay Smith’s book about The Mirage, his humor column and a his novel, at

A previous version of this story incorrectly referred to the Chicago Sun-Time’s collaborator as the Better Business Bureau. It was the Better Government Association

Producers: Joe Rosenberg and Anna Sussman
Original Score: Leon Morimoto

Season 9 Episode 21

The story of The Mirage, the famous undercover Chicago Sun bar, as told by two reporters posing as bartenders.  Pam Zekman currently works as an investigative reporter for CBS 2 Chicago. You can find Zay Smith’s book about The Mirage, his humor column and a his novel, at

Season 9 Episode 21