Episode 46.  Two f#cking hot shots… one awesome episode.  Mike Brizzee of Brizzee Reptiles makes an appearance on 15 Minutes of Lame. Ryan McVeigh, head honcho at Zilla takes me to school on real world reptile keeping.  I talk some Stranger vs Mahogany sh#t.  This is honestly one of the better episodes lol… I guess putting out double the content might be making me a little better!  Hope you guys like the episode!

Oh, by the way… please drop on by and subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me on Instagram.  I’m finally close to 1000 members which would be a huge milestone for an old guy that doesn’t know how to use Instagram.  Snakes and the Fatman on both!  Thanks guys… also… pick up a god#mn shirt on the website.  I’m just a squirrel tryin’ to get a nut!