On this episode, Tom is having a chat with Fleta Solomon, the CEO of Little Green Pharma, Australia's leading medical cannabis producer. This Perth-based company is the only producer in Australia with locally-grown products that could pass all the mandatory testing required. Over the last few years, Little Green Pharma has grown significantly, making it "not so little" anymore. 

A big topic discussed in this episode is their relatively recent move to Europe, where the company has set up its European base of operations just outside Odense, in Denmark. Tom had the pleasure of visiting the facility in February, which is currently the largest medical cannabis production facility in Europe. 

Fleta shares her personal story of how she ended up in the medical cannabis space and how Little Green Pharma grew from humble beginnings in Perth to a global production powerhouse in a relatively short period of time. Fleta also discusses some of the company's growing pains, how the board has implemented ESG practices, and what the future may hold for Little Green Pharma. 


Smells Like Business - www.smellslikebusiness.com

Little Green Pharma - www.littlegreenpharma.com

Related podcast episodes:

#61 - Does The Cannabis Industry Need ESG? - Leonid DeWarrrior from DeWarrior Unlimited

#65 - Will Denmark Be The Medical Cannabis Hub of Europe? - Lone Knudsen Krogsbøll