On this episode, Tom is having a chat with you! Tom summarises some of the important developments that have happened in 2022 regarding cannabis in Europe. He discusses what steps different European countries have taken towards legalisation, both medically and recreationally. 

With so many exciting developments having occurred this past year, Tom has a lot to discuss. But one thing is for sure, the future of cannabis in Europe looks very bright!

So if you’re curious to have a 2022 recap of cannabis in Europe, this episode is just for you.

Topics discussed:

How many people in Europe have access to medical cannabis?Is it difficult getting a medical cannabis prescription in Europe?Why is it so hard to get a medical cannabis prescription in the UK?How is Germany moving along with full cannabis legalisation?What is the new approach to the EU drug policy?Is Czechia legalising cannabis?Will Czechia legalise cannabis for adult use before Germany?Is Denmark the medical cannabis hub of Europe?Is Juicy Fields the largest scam in the cannabis industry?What is Dispenseroo?How is France supporting the French hemp industry?Is Ireland decriminalising marijuana?


Smells Like Business - www.smellslikebusiness.com

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#31 - What is Cancard? - Carly Barton from Cancard

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#60 - JuicyFields: The World's Biggest Cannabis Scam Explained - Ben Stevens from BusinessCann

#65 - Will Denmark Be The Medical Cannabis Hub of Europe? - Lone Knudsen Krogsbøll