Smell Ya Later's inaugural year is coming to a close and this candle in the wind is going out inquisition. You asked and we put all those asks in a pile to save for one whole episode to deliver. Dear listeners, this episode is for you because we love you and are so grateful that you tune in every week to hear all about what we smell like. Therefore, all of the inquisitive, intelligent, shady, and invasive questions you've slid into our DMs shall be indulged in our most illuminating episode of the year. Questions about smells, perfume (obviously), relationships, nepotism, influencism, Orientalism — all the isms (and other suffixes as well)!Find more info, episodes, and merch at

Leave us a voice message on the SYL Hotline at and we may respond on a future episode.

Follow us on Instagram @smellyalater.mp3

Leave a (nice) comment & (5-star) review wherever you stream, and if you
feel so inclined, respond to our Spotify episode prompts please!😇

As always, thank you for listening <3