This episode we speak about Series 3 opener 'Backwards' and our special guest is Nick De Semlyen from EMPIRE magazine; the greatest film magazine in the world. Hot off his cover feature on Suicide Squad (where he got the world exclusive interviews with all the cast) he brings his experience with Red Dwarf and also the scariest story you have heard in your life... about a pie. #GHOSTPIE.

Where will this reach on the SMEGHEADS chart? Chances are pretty pretty high.

I'm sitting here writing this with the new knowledge that this little podcast, which we never really thought anyone would ever listen to besides our mates, is now the 5th most popular Film/TV podcast on iTunes. So just wanted to start this off by saying thank you so much for subscribing and listening and spreading the word. Word of Mouth is a powerful thing and you guys must have said some nice ones, because this is crazy. Daniela and I are very humbled, and will try our best to make every episode better than the last. This podcast doesn't belong to Daniela and I, it belongs to all the SMEGHEADS out there. Sweetabix.

Nick & Daniela dressed like Ghostbusters for this Halloween episode. I dressed like Janine Melnitz as she's the one that does all the admin!

This episode we speak about Series 3 opener 'Backwards' and our special guest is Nick De Semlyen from EMPIRE magazine; the greatest film magazine in the world. Hot off his cover feature on Suicide Squad (where he got the world exclusive interviews with all the cast) he brings his experience with Red Dwarf and also the scariest story you have heard in your life... about a pie. #GHOSTPIE.

YES this is also a HALLOWEEN special, so at any opportune moment we try to segue into something remotely supernatural (listeners to my radio show - RIP - will know this skill well) so its a real bumper show! At 2 hours and 7 minutes long, you are really getting your iPhone battery's worth here! Nick tests us with a "BACKWARDS QUIZ" and then I test them both back with a SMEGHEADS vs EMPIRE Quiz on the episode which is a real treat (or trick?!). We will continue this quiz when more Empire Magazine people are on the show in a few weeks. Who will win? Whose knowledge of Red Dwarf is stronger?

From the 4th Red Dwarf DVD set. Howard plays the theme song backwards, but on the DVD, they didn't play it backwards to show that he did it! So here's what that sounds like.

Above is Howard Goodall (a living genius) playing the Red Dwarf theme backwards and below is a video of all the backwards stuff, forwards! You can see that alot of it doesn't make any sense whatsoever, but thats not the point. Its FUN!

Once you have listened to the podcast you might want to see some of the things we discussed such as Robert the Posessed Doll (who I believe is the subject of the next Annabelle film):

The haunted polar bear painting at Daniela's University that made one student poke his own eyes out with 2 pencils (if easily disturbed please scroll past this quickly as I don't want to be partially blamed for an unsightly accident):

and this is an unconfirmed (and rare) sighting of a Ghost Pie:

So thanks very very much for listening once again, and if you liked it enough to say something nice on iTunes, we would love you forever! Thanks again to Nick De Semlyen for coming into SMEGHEADS and you should really buy a copy of the new Empire Magazine because as you can see from this photo, it's great! See you next week SMEGHEADS!


Jed & Daniela
