Well guys, we are really flying through these episodes and you seem to like them as they are getting more and more popular! This episode we cast our eyes on 'Stasis Leak' which is one of the few times we see the crew of red dwarf pre-accident! The crew find a "stasis leak" which is what Daniela calls "a magic hole" in time, that allows them to go back to before the accident. The boys aim to use this opportunity to save Rimmer (Rimmer) and Kochanski (Lister).

Well guys, we are really flying through these episodes and you seem to like them as they are getting more and more popular! This episode we cast our eyes on 'Stasis Leak' which is one of the few times we see the crew of red dwarf pre-accident! The crew find a "stasis leak" which is what Daniela calls "a magic hole" in time, that allows them to go back to before the accident. The boys aim to use this opportunity to save Rimmer (Rimmer) and Kochanski (Lister).

You know the voices, now know the faces! (see I did let her wear the Pokemon hat!)

Here Lister falls into a self-pity hole and laments the fact he can never catch a break, especially with Kochanski.

But lo, whats this? He does get with Kochanski, albeit 5 years in the future! Damiela and I discuss how unfair it is that he didnt get to have a cheeky snog with his future wife. 

And as always, I will leave you with the weirdest Red Dwarf related video I can find. This time its an unusual cover of the RD theme that the more I watch, the more I love. (There are so many Red Dwarf cover songs on youtube!)

If you havent already subscribed, please do, and tell as many Red Dwarf fans as you can! Also if you want us to sort out a 'SMEGHEADS LIVE!' where we can all get together and record a podcast with a live audience, then let us know!

See you next week Smegheads!