Host Karl sat down with Pete Matheson for the second time in two months. Here we get an update on Pete's YouTube channel traffic and the lessons he's learned.

Check out Pete's last appearance here:

Basically, Pete saw great opportunities with YouTube, so he jumped in and gave it a lot of his attention. In this podcast, he gives us the update on how he is growing revenue with his channel. He also gives us lots of great tips and tricks on building an audience AND providing business-related content.

Lesson number one: Start a channel!

Lesson two: Just start posting videos. Don't wait until they're great (or perfect). Just do it.

Lesson three: Get comfortable and let people see your personality. After all, that's what people buy.

Pete gives some great examples of the videos he produced as an IT consultant. These are client-facing. From there, he moved to helping IT pros figure out videos for their business.



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