Tonight, it got weird. Not the show on MTV, just our episode. We start off with Jake doing the intros and it just fell apart from there. We talk about the main house/why Amanda doesn't know the Spice Girls (14:33), then move on to the Redemption House and how CT is losing his mind (25:17), then we get into the voting/elimination for the evening (28:38), biased vs unbiased pertaining to our opinions (34:00), KAM (43:50), Back  to Redemption House (47:20ish), a semi deep dive on the whole Paulie and Cara relationship (50:00ish), back on track to the doublecross (1:00:00ish), and then WHO SMASHED HEADS/GOT THEIR HEADS SMASHED (1:03:32).*Any issues with the timecode show be directed to c/o Jake.
[email protected]

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