With another Star Wars movie upon us, the Smash Fiction crew Force-leaps back into the world of magic mind bullets and dueling space priests, a place where lightsabers clash, lightning flies, and red laser shields turn on and off for, like, no reason! A long time ago (though definitely in the same galaxy) we battled to determine the most powerful lord of the Sith. At some point in our grimy, intricately lived-in future, we will determine the worthiest of the Jedi Masters. But now, in Smash Fiction's personal Empire Strikes Back, we dive into the Expanded Universe like a one-handed farm boy falling out of a space station to decide whether Revan, the most notable Knight of the Old Republic, or Galen "Starkiller" Marek and his tendency toward unleashing the Force, is the greatest of the "gray" Jedi -- those whose hearts and minds have been touched by both the darkness and the light.

Neal Butler returns to fulfill his destiny, that being to answer questions such as: Which of these competitors will prove themselves the ultimate master of heavy-handed symbolic moral ambiguity? Which will be condemned to eternity as a computer-generated blue ghost? And does it really matter if anyone has the high ground?

Also, Dan gets super concerned about spoiling an extremely old video game, MeganBob pitches her documentary series about the plight of the side characters in the Star Wars universe, and Kit calls upon the full power of the Feisty Side.